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Journalist Magnus Berglund deserve a Slovenian national medal of honor!!!

with 39 comments

Whole Slovenia is shocked with allegations that in the affair Patria 8×8 Prime Minister Janez Janša was bribed. Yesterday at Mladina editorial we were all watching TV news in silence I realized this is a historical moment. I believe all alegations are real and hard evidence will come out in a month or so when Finish police will hand them out to Finish Prosecutors. Let’s face it we were not shocked by Janez Janša being involved in the affair, because there was many many rumors, some witnesses, books and documents claiming that J.J. had a history in arm trade in 90s, but we were shocked that somebody said it loud and publicly point the finger.

I deeply respect Finnish national television YLE TV and it’s journalist Magnus Berglund. If their allegation will be proved to be correct they should receive no less then a Slovenian national medal of honor (Zlati častni znak svobode RS)! I truly believe so and that is not because J.J. will be ruined, but because he grabbed a corruption that was swelling in Slovenia by the throat and implemented Finish standards on Balkans!

PS: This post represents solely my personal views and beliefs!
PPS: I established a Facebook group in support to journalist Magnus Berglund. In few days group has more then 500 members. LINK…

Written by Borut Peterlin

4 September, 2008 at 10:43

39 Responses

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  1. evo mojo varijanto. tudi jst verjamem, da so podkupnine bile in bi še bile (pa so jih zamrznal), verjamem pa tudi, da so bili finski novinarji na nek način zavedeni in da si je patria z “dokumenti”, ki jih ima finska tv, zavarovala posel. 🙂 namreč, JJ zdaj ne more odstopit od pogodbe (ki vedno bolj smrdi, zaradi vsega kar prihaja na dan in tudi zaradi odkritih prejšnjih praks patrie), ker bi s tem takorekoč priznal podkupovanje kogarkoli že v svoji ekipi. JJ bo raje poizkušal oprati svoje ime – in ga tudi bo, ker mu ne bodo mogli dokazat nobene povezave s spornim denarjem – hkrati pa bo v “drek” potisnu opozicijo in jo obtožil tele zarote (saj to že počne), pred volitvami. kasneje bo iztožil še finske novinarje, in četudi na koncu iztoži patrio, je njej zagotovo vseeno, ker bo denar, namenjen za podkupnine, pač poslala po uradni poti, tj. podkupnina kot odškodnina (bolj verjetno je sicer, da ji ne bo več potrebno plačat niti evra, “podkupnino” bo prispevala raje finska tv). finci so res pametni, vendar ne YLE, prej finski podjetniki. tale dogovor med patrio in vlado je win win kombinacija. Smili se mi edino naša opozicija, ki bo največji poraženec v tej aferi,… no, razen če začne res kmalu zagovarjat JJja 😉


    4 September, 2008 at 12:01

  2. As I understand Magnus’s deep throat comes from Finish police and at this stage evidence are secret. When Finnish police will hand out documents to Finish prosecutors, everybody will know. YLE and Magnus get their story out first, secures their source and claim their right. Clear, smooth and very certain path.

    Arto your scenario is so complex I hardly understand it.

    I presume in a month time we should know the evidence behind the film and then we’ll see.

    Borut Peterlin

    4 September, 2008 at 12:55

  3. Moj sodelavec, Finec, mi je pred kakimi 10. leti povedal, da je na Finskem podkupovanje vsakdanja stvar!


    4 September, 2008 at 13:54

  4. Somehow I have bad feeling that nothing will really happen. JJ will go and sue YLE, he will lose trial, we will pay for it. From this what I understood yesterday and today, JJ won’t go and sue them as JJ, but as Slovene government (I want to go and sue someone on taxpayers expenses too 🙂 ). He will win elections, because now he will play innocent victim, and in month, two or three, everything will go to history without any consequences.

    Of course I’m not so sure he will even go to sue YLE. I doubt he is stupid enough to go to trial, when he knows, someone will really show documents. And if there will be trial, YLE will be forced to show them for sure.

    @Jetar. Yeah and statistics about Finland being country with the least corruption are probably good night stories, right? There is corruption in Finland too, but not nearly as much as here. Unfortunately.


    4 September, 2008 at 15:02

  5. This is really weird (and I am no fan of JJ) but consider following:

    Reporter didn’t discover this alleged documents, they were presented to him by the police. I would understand all the praise if he would discover documents and turn them to police to start investigation.

    Getting JJ on trial would not be possible in Finland (diplomatic immunity) thus he would not be even indited there. So all this might be just journalistic hot air to raise its own publicity.

    So if anyone is serious and has documents, the only way to get JJ in front of the judge one would have to charge him in Slovenia.

    Everything else is pure speculation for ratings.


    4 September, 2008 at 21:42

  6. Jaz sem pa podobnega mnenja kot Borut oz. imam enak pogled na zgodbo. Novinar je dobil podatke iz policije, ampak ker so ti v tem trenutku še tajni, jih tudi sam ne razkrije. Vendar pa dokumenti bodo razkriti, to zatrjujejo v na finski strani.

    Itak je Janši v tem trenutku glavno samo da pripelje to sranje, ki ga je skuhal do volitev. Kot sem dojel, dokumenti do volitev ne bodo razkriti in lahko pač nabija v medijih kakor ga je volja.

    Slovenska policija (mogoče se zelo motim ampak …) po mojem mnenju nima nič, mogoče so taka mutna posla, da tudi noče nič najti. Kaj bodo naredili, šli spraševati folk: A ste vi sprejeli podkupnino?? Če bi imeli kakšne dokaze, bi že padale aretacije in podobne stvari tudi pri nas.


    5 September, 2008 at 13:42

  7. Samo, so if he got info from the police leak and he is not exposing the documents he got (illegally). Why would he be entitled for some sort of reward for doing basically nothing except saying he has something?


    5 September, 2008 at 14:26

  8. Saj te razumem … lahko damo odlikovanje še vsem finskim kriminalistom pa bo!

    OK, pozabi Borutova odlikovanja. Jaz priznam da mi noben politik ni nevem kako pri srcu, ampak Janša in sedanja vlada mi grejo pa na bruhanje. Tako da tudi če finski novinar ni sam našel česa novega, jaz podpiram njegovo delo, preko katerega javnost izve kaj se dogaja.


    5 September, 2008 at 15:24

  9. Samo, I do have an issue with JJ but just because he panders to the same general population as everyone else. He didn’t do anything radical to improve Slovenian status in the past few years. He mostly maintained previous status. No radical changes that would help Slovenian economy get better. No radical reduction of income tax, no good property taxation, no flat tax rate etc…

    Here is a suggestion for those journalists who read this blog. Stop asking politicians where they going to divert the money to. Start asking where they will get the money from. Slovenia is worlds highest taxed country when it comes to income. Taxes and contributions are at 50+% (same income would be taxed around 25% in US).

    But how can I forget the award when it comes to Finish reporter? It is the main topic of the thread. I don’t think that a person who didn’t do anything other then claim that he has received some documents illegally but he is not releasing them to public deserves any mention let alone an award.

    Plus you forgot the fact that JJ has diplomatic immunity in Finland so if anything is serious one should bring things up here in Slovenia. Anything else is pure speculation.


    5 September, 2008 at 17:30

  10. Špekuliram… Na glas razmišljam…
    Ne razumem zakaj ljudje ne razumejo zakaj novinar ne more razkriti dokaze. Zelo velika verjetnost je, da je novinar videl dokaze pri finskih kriminalistih in seveda kriminalisti ne smejo kar tako dokaze kazati okoli. Če novinar pokaže dokaze, je kriminalist ob službo, ker očitno bi se iz dokaza izvedelo kdo je globoko grlo. Zatorej novinar ne izda svoj vir in ne pokaže dokumentov. Očitno je, da za tem filmom ne stoji le en novinar (in par slovenskih sogovornikov in vodič), ampak za njim stoji celotna uredniška srenja finske nacionalne televizije! TO JE KLJUČEN PODATEK!!! Novinarja in urednikov pa prav nič ne skrbi tožba slovenske vlade (ne v mojem imenu), ker bodo kriminalisti slej ko prej predali dokaze tožilstvu in takrat jih bodo lahko vsi videli. Novinarjevemu viru pa se ne bo treba razkriti.

    Pri aferi Watergate 30 let ni bilo znano kdo je globoko grlo.

    Borut Peterlin

    5 September, 2008 at 21:25

  11. Borut, true, however as I said, Watergate was something completely different. Journalists found out information and gave it out. In your case we have a journalist claiming they saw information in hands of police (they didn’t discover it) and they don’t want to go public with it. Basically what they say is bunch of BS for their own publicity. They provide no extra value to the public as it is. They didn’t provide info to the police, police already had it. They don’t provide info to the public as this will be done when trial goes public. So no value added at all.

    Again, you fail to address how getting JJ on trial in Finland would do anything. If anyone really wants to have a shot at this you would have to bring it in front of Slovenian court.


    5 September, 2008 at 21:49

  12. That’s the whole point. It’s a lesson for Slovenian police and persecution. Finnish and Slovenian police and persecutors received the same information in February 2007 from Austrian interpol. From that point Finnish police arrested two people from Patria and are bringing case to a closure, whereas Slovenian police started to make first informative talks with people who gave their statements to Finnish journalist.

    Ridicules indeed!

    Borut Peterlin

    5 September, 2008 at 22:52

  13. mislm da podkupnine so ble zihr, kdo jih je pa dobivu pa nevem, se posebi zato k ker se medijem pac ne more vec vrjet nic. tok razlicnih zgodb sliss da res ni, da ze vec ne ves kdo govori resnico in kdo ne (recimo tut rusko-gruzijska vojna,…). proti vladi je mnogo odbtozb ampak na sreco za vse nas je tko da dokler ti ne dokazejo nisi kriv, tko da to je zaenkrat treba vzet v zakup, sam da v sloveniji pravni mlini predolg meljejo in vse pade v pozabu al pa zastara,… nazalost.


    6 September, 2008 at 01:02

  14. After a while the Finnish police has carried out its investigations and hands out the documentation to the prosecutor. At that point the information is public as no minors are involved. So all the speculations on the nature of the evidence come to a screeching halt.
    The Finnish police does not leave any lead uninvestigated so the current process may still take months. They do it with smaller cases, too. In contrast, what did the Slovenian police do with the information provided by the Austria? They immediately stopped the investigations when it came evident that the top leadership of the country is involved!
    The opinion of Finnish media is that everything needs to be done to prevent the corruption from poisoning the Finnish businesses and politics. So no sympathy for the Slovenian politicians has been expressed.
    By the way, when I moved to Finland in 1999, I was very wary of police because of my very bad experiences in Slovenia. Here I fully trust the police and other public servants. The politicians are generally trustworthy, too.

    Mirko from Finland

    6 September, 2008 at 07:26

  15. He dosen’t desearve medal, he had a lot of explaning to do. I personally think that journalist was bribe!


    8 September, 2008 at 23:38

  16. The journalist, whom I know personally has a very good reputation, does his investigation thoroughly, secures his sources etc. And – since I know him well I know that this is not only “hot air”, there is evidence.
    So – any crazy comments about the journalist taking bribes etc. – that is completely imaginative. Whether he needs a medal is an entirely different thing. We usually do not think that medals and such are that important things over here in Finland.
    Since there has been no direct statements about the sources of the evidence yet all speculations there is unnecessary. The Slovenians just have to wait for the police work in Finland. Hopefully the Slovenian police also could add some results to the investigations. It is not good for your country if the Finnish police can produce hard evidence at some point and your authorieties by then haven’t been able to produce anything.

    Btw – would love to visit Slovenia. Have been visiting on the Austrian side and the nature is superb in the area.


    9 September, 2008 at 09:57

  17. Hon: “The journalist, whom I know personally has a very good reputation, does his investigation thoroughly, secures his sources etc. And – since I know him well I know that this is not only “hot air”, there is evidence.”

    Hon, you do know that argument from personal experience is not a valid argument in a debate?

    So what if there is evidence? Main question is what did journalist bring to the table? Did he provide evidence to the police or did he just supposedly see the leaked evidence from the police? If first is the case, then good, hats off to him, if the later then he didn’t provide any value except trying to raise the sales of his newspaper.

    So tell us, did he actually provide some value added or he is just bragging he has some good sources that he can’t reveal nor can he reveal information?


    9 September, 2008 at 11:51

  18. This reporter is bias in many issues.
    First he could make this show few weeks earlier of few weeks later and he wouldn’t make same impact on slovenian elections. That is politics not journalism.
    Second, he only interviewed members of slovenian opposition, who also had huge personal interest in Sistemska Tehnika, the competitive company.
    Third, he makes huge accusations, without presenting any proof at all. He goes further and makes statments that he the timing of the show has no relevance, that this is the absolute best journalism (being able to show the document would make the show much better), and that he made no false statments on the show. Which is a lie, because few days later the television chooses to make one correction.
    Fourth, he is naive if he thinks, that the documents he saw are the truth, believing that it must be truth if there are “many” sources. Just happens, that he recieves cruicial documents right at the beggining of the slovenian elections, not before nor after.
    Fifth, the director of this Finnish television is also socialdemocrat, same as slovenian opposition and same as EU political party.
    One thing is telling the truth withouth insulting human dignity, and second is to promote anger, mistrust. And that show did only that.


    9 September, 2008 at 19:01

  19. Historical moment for Mladina editorial desk? Ok, so why there’s no big article, actually not a single concrete word about this HISTORICAL MOMENT in your magazine?! YOu’re all crazy.


    9 September, 2008 at 20:54

  20. hmmm @ Hmmm

    Borut Peterlin

    9 September, 2008 at 23:02

  21. Provided that I have understood correctly, the legal deadline for the indictments in the Finnish branch of the Patria case is in the end of November. The Slovenian branch must be in the hands of the prosecutor around two months later. Then we will see the evidence.
    The Finnish police has expressed its frustration of prematurely leaking the information of the investigation. The leak is in the Slovenian end and there are suspicions that the leak has been made with the purpose to ruin the investigations.
    The Finns usually express their views in a non-offensive manner, but now the criticism of the Slovenian police by their Finnish colleagues has been extremely harsh as far as I can understand. You rarely see the kind of language used now. Trust has been broken and the Finns are unlikely to forgive that.
    By the way, YLE Channel 1 sees no reason to change anything in reporting of the Patria case. They sure have rechecked everything.
    The Finnish and Slovenian standards in politics are from the opposite sides of the Universum. A few years ago the first female PM in Finland lied in a minor issue. Trust was broken and she had to resign. A recent Finnish foreign minister sent text messages to an erotic dancer and lied about that. Again, trust was broken and he had to resign. Without lies they both would have stayed in office.

    Mirko from Finland

    10 September, 2008 at 06:59

  22. Dear Mirko,
    can you post a link to Finnish article or statement, that you’re mentioning? I would like to copy paste your comment to our Facebook in support to YLE and Magnus Berglund

    In that group we try to gather most important links concerning the issue in all languages.
    So if you can add a Finnish link or two we would be grateful.

    Borut Peterlin

    10 September, 2008 at 07:22

  23. Here is the YLE report in English I saw the TV report on Monday evening (take a look at the news 2 minutes 50 seconds from the start at ).
    The head of the investigation is Kaj Björkvist who uses carefully crafted language that includes very tough criticism. To best explain how his comments can be interpreted, I wish to point out at the ending of the report: the reporter asks “Does the Slovenian government decides how the police investigates crimes in Slovenia?”. Mr. Björkvist very politely declines to answer.
    I am sorry for the typos, I sent this from mobile phone.

    Mirko from Finland

    10 September, 2008 at 09:00

  24. Just one more addition. I asked a Finnish friend to clarify the nuances of Mr. Björkvist’s comments on the news video clip. Based on his kind explanation, the policeman tells that they have not received requested information from the Slovenian police, on the contrary, the Slovenian police has been interested in finding out what the Finnish police knows, and has leaked confidential information.

    Mirko from Finland

    11 September, 2008 at 07:07

  25. “Hon, you do know that argument from personal experience is not a valid argument in a debate?”

    Many arguments in this debate so far has been far from valid. “That is politics not journalism”. Complete bullocks! Here in Finland the journalist is responsible towards the so called responsible editor when it comes to the journalistic content – not towards the CEO. Likewise – the police is not accountable to the politicians. What the situation is in Slovenia remains to be seen.

    Actually the show went on the air at the best time. As far as I can see the Slovenian police could have done a lot more a lot earlier to show who did what in this matter. Since they didn’t the journalist seem to have “felt the smell” and seen that there is more to dig up. Good investigative journalism imho. Go Magnus go!

    And – dear friends in Slovenia – the journalist doesn’t have any political agenda in this matter – but it seems like several of the debaters here tries to angle the whole thing as though the show was some kind of a political insert in the big picture discussion on the eve of Slovenian elections.

    Not even I believe that – even though I’m somewhat on the right of the political scale.


    11 September, 2008 at 21:11

  26. Today, more than 2 month after Borut Peterlin started his internet campaign against the Slovenian prime minister Janša, any evidence for corruption concerning the PATRIA affair is still missing. Nothing, just nothing to back up his strong accusations just weeks before the elections.

    Furthermore: Magnus Berglund failed to present any strong evidence for his claims. On the other hand Janez Janša failed the elections. And Borut Peterlin failed as a integer neutral and honest journalist, he claimes to be.

    So, Borut Peterlin, what do will you say now? Where is the evidence?

    By the way Borut, nice photos you made for the elections campaign of the new prime Minister Borut Pahor, member of ex communistic party. Hope you got paid well at least.

    I am just curious, maybe you can tell us now, who is corrupt ….


    8 October, 2008 at 01:54

  27. Well, I’ll copy/paste two of my comments from that same facebook group and wait for the end of that investigation. And yes, let me repeat again if the investigation will not bring any conclusions close to Berglund’s claims I will apologize to J.J. on this blog and the same Facebook group.
    Anyway, good morning.

    @ Pigac,
    Ne gre za to kakšna čustva gojim do premiera Janez Janše. Je demokratično izvoljen predsednik in kot takega ga spoštujem, z veseljem fotografiram in tudi človeško pozdravim, če se ponudi priložnost.
    Jaz igram svojo minorno vlogo v demokraciji, po svoji najboljši vesti. Dejstvo je, da verjamem finskim novinarjem in dejstvo je, da kljub temu, da ga nisem volil, sem verjel, da bo SDS zmaga leta 2004, zmanjšala korupcijo. Na žalost se je korupcija samo še razmahnila. Dejstva govorijo sama zase in že cela Evropa ve, da 571 novinarjev nis(m)o pretiravali v peticiji, da je pravna država v Sloveniji na psu, da so vaške straže, del dnevne politike,…
    Najboljše je, da je vseeno kaj jaz mislim, ker verjamem v EU demokracijo in v EU pravno državo, katere del smo. In nenazadnje sploh se mi ne bo pod častjo se opravičiti, če se motim.

    Špekuliram… Na glas razmišljam…
    Ne razumem zakaj ljudje ne razumejo zakaj novinar ne more razkriti dokaze. Zelo velika verjetnost je, da je novinar videl dokaze pri finskih kriminalistih in seveda kriminalisti ne smejo kar tako dokaze kazati okoli. Če novinar pokaže dokaze, je kriminalist ob službo, ker očitno bi se iz dokaza izvedelo kdo je globoko grlo. Zatorej novinar ne izda svoj vir in ne pokaže dokumentov. Očitno je, da za tem filmom ne stoji le en novinar (in par slovenskih sogovornikov in vodič), ampak za njim stoji celotna uredniška srenja finske nacionalne televizije! TO JE KLJUČEN PODATEK!!! Novinarja in urednikov pa prav nič ne skrbi tožba slovenske vlade (ne v mojem imenu), ker bodo kriminalisti slej ko prej predali dokaze tožilstvu in takrat jih bodo lahko vsi videli. Novinarjevemu viru pa se ne bo treba razkriti. Pri aferi Watergate 30 let ni bilo znano kdo je globoko grlo.

    Borut Peterlin

    8 October, 2008 at 06:17

  28. Sorry, Mr. Borut Peterlin, but you did not “get the point”.

    Nobody gives a damn about your apology in case your accusation and your world wide internet campaign against the Slovenian Prime Minister was wrong – it is worth nothing, just plain nothing, my dear friend.

    As a journalist you should know, that for a public accusation of anybody, you MUST present substantial evidence, but not in 6 month terms, 1 year or I don’t know when, but at the same time, IMMEDIATELY. Referring to your analogy: in the Water Gate affair, deep throat (the actual informant) was of not importance, but the EVIDENCE was and only the evidence made the difference.

    To make it clear to you: if somebody publicly, on TV, in the print media, in local and international newspapers and within the internet starts a campaign against YOU, claiming, that YOU are a known murderer and child rapist as well, but saying, that the evidence for this accusation will be presented in some months or so (who knows when), your future will be doomed and your fate sealed. The public opinion will turn against you, your wife and children will leave you, you will loose your job, you neighbors may take even more drastic actions, god beware.

    And this are just the same methods Adolf Hitler used to turn public opinion against the Jews and political opponents. The results are well known. And no late apology makes any murdered life to become alive again.

    Do you understand know, Mr. Peterlin, whats all about?



    10 October, 2008 at 00:55

  29. Great!

    So, just because I said, that I believe that YLE TV and Magnus Berglund do have hard evidence, you compare my actions with Hitler. I feel sLOVEnia indeed!

    As I did on my coverage of Ambrus violation of human rights.

    But nevertheless thank you for taking your time and provide the evidence that my opinion does matter.

    Borut Peterlin

    10 October, 2008 at 07:32

  30. Mr. Borut Peterlin,

    where is the evidence, you promised so proud and so loud after you started this worldwide internet campaign against ex Prime J. Jansa almost half a year ago?

    Where is your evidence Mr. Borut Peterlin? Where is it? Any evidence? Any?

    Just give us a hint, just something, anything, maybe you give us another lie, Mr. Borut Peterlin? Give us a lie at least!

    And we all know you got well paid for theses election photos of the new president Pahor.

    And don’t tell me, you sold your soul for some euros …

    Shame over you.
    Shame over you, Mr. Borut Peterlin.



    19 January, 2009 at 00:49

  31. Al, don’t take against me, because I have a guts to sign my name under my statements. And my goodness, what did I do? Did I promised something to someone? I said I believe Magnus Berglund! Outrageous! Shame on me! Shame on me!

    Let’s wait for prosecutors, shall we?

    Internet campaign? I made a facebook group and a post on my blog. Thank you for considering that as something that have some value. Did you do made a Facebook group or a post in support to J.? If not, shame on you!

    My photojournalistic photos are between 25 – 100 EUR and I will gladly sell you one or more. Just say which one are you interested in. I hope you will buy more pics then SD or any from coalition, because you can not buy less pics then they did.

    As I said, have guts to write and link your name Mr. Anonymous and people like you just fuel my confidence! thank you for that!

    Borut Peterlin

    19 January, 2009 at 19:10

  32. “I believe all alegations are real and hard evidence will come out in a month or so”

    This was in September of 2008. Now it is August of 2009, almost a year. Any evidence?

    Is this work of a good journalist? To spread some rumors that there is supposed evidence and that it will come out in a month or so? Then almost a year later not come clean and admit that there seem to be no evidence?


    27 August, 2009 at 15:08

  33. Where is evidence Mr.Peternel?


    29 November, 2009 at 01:57

  34. My guess is that evidence doesn’t exist. Finish criminalist told he was not familiar with any evidence when “journalist” from Delo came to Finland recently. It was convenient at the time to smear former prime minister because it wasn’t “theirs”.


    29 November, 2009 at 12:35

  35. Iztok, you wanna say Bjornkvist and Berglund have strange hobbies.

    @ Divac, I don’t have any evidence and I doubt Mr. Peternel have some either. Did I ever said I have some evidence?

    I’ll wait for Finnish prosecutors to finish their investigation, thank you very much.


    29 November, 2009 at 17:56

  36. Borut:

    “Nobenih dokazov nimamo, da je denar iz Patrie končal v kateri koli stranki ali pri kateremu koli članu stranke, je za STA povedal finski kriminalist v zadevi Patria Kaj Erik Björkqvist.”

    If you wanted to wait until Finnish complete their investigation you should have not spread this in the first place and waited until they complete investigation (if there is any as it seems there is not). Right now you’ve spread some rumors about a year ago w/o evidence and now you try to get out of the mess.

    I think it is time to apologize. It has been over a year. We should presume people innocent (well at least that is what real journalists would do) until evidence shows different. No evidence more then a year after it was promised. You went campaigning based on nothing else but rumors and you still refuse to admit that this is wrong.


    29 November, 2009 at 20:58

  37. I think you are think wrongly. Read again the post and analyze what rumors did I started?
    1) I believe all alegations are real and hard evidence will come out in a month or so when Finish police will hand them out to Finish Prosecutors
    2) That we were shocked?
    3) that are many rumors about J.J. involvement in arms trade in 90’s
    4)I deeply respect Finnish national television YLE TV and it’s journalist Magnus Berglund.
    5) a personal belief “If their allegation will be proved to be correct they should receive no less then a Slovenian national medal of honor (Zlati častni znak svobode RS)!”
    6) …

    I don’t know what are THE RUMORS you are talking about? What mess? I really don’t understand what planet are you on. Perhaps Belorussian, North Korean, Cuban,… where people should not dare to stand up and say what they believe in.

    Anyway I still believe Magnus Berglund and please sue me for that!

    PS: that is my last comment on this topic until Finnish prosecutors finish their process in affair Patria. I have a good excuse – a life to live.


    29 November, 2009 at 23:45

  38. Where are the proofs?

    I do not respect Finnish national television YLE and its journalist Magnus Berglund.

    And in my opinion what you have been doing here is disgusting.


    17 December, 2010 at 21:47

  39. LOL Cita!

    “Soon” we’ll have “proof”.

    It has been 2 years since the original post.


    17 December, 2010 at 22:33

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