Photography, Fine Art, Wet Plate Collodion, Alternative photography

Jandroković – Žbogar, photo of the day

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Here is a metaphor for what Slovenia and Croatia are fighting for – for a bowl of warm water! This issue was used and abused by political parties on both sides for last 19 years. However Žbogar and Jandroković are good guys. Hopefully this issue will be soon over since both government agreed for arbitration. Y.E.S. for arbitration!!!

Bay of Piran is cradle of Serbia! eeee… Slovenia! It looks like Slovenia is 20 years behind Serbia. National extremism that was there during Milošević’s regime is rising nowadays in Slovenia! The border dispute with Croatia is the most important tool for manipulation with voters emotions, so no doubt Janša, Podobnik and Jelinčič would do a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. to keep status quo and keep the dispute unsolved for another 20 years!

9 Responses

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  1. “The border dispute with Croatia is the most important tool for manipulation with voters emotions, so no doubt Janša, Podobnik and Jelinčič would do a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. to keep status quo and keep the dispute unsolved for another 20 years!”

    A so bili Jansa, Podobnik in Jelincic na oblasti vecino od teh 20 let?


    21 May, 2010 at 15:16

  2. Arbitrations last for 10yrs or so, so this is not a quick solution for problems. Nor it is cheap or just. On the other hand it is legal and final.

    Serbia & Croatia are currently also in a border dispute and Serbs are pushing Croatians harder than Slovenians do now – so blackmailing with Croatia’s EU entry would not be unusual approach in the region.

    That’s why there is a chapter in EU negotiations called “border and neighbor issues”. Slovenia had to do it with Italy and Croatia should do it with Slovenia. Nothing unusual about it.

    Nationalism has nothing to do with this issue and should not be abused as an argument on any side. Sad thing is, and here we agree, that this is not the case now.


    21 May, 2010 at 15:33

  3. Ja, dobre primere si dal Iztok. Janša se je dokazano nekaj dogovarjal z Sanaderjem preden je bil izvoljen in takrat je bilo izjemno veliko incidentov v piranskem zalivu (prisluškovalna afera Sanaderju). Prognoze 2004 so kazale, da se SLS sploh ne bo uvrstila v parlament in glej ga zlodja, Janez podobnik & Joras par dni pred volitvami izvajata salte mortale v Dragonjo. Kamere so bile tam zgolj po naključju. Jelinčič pa ima samo eno agendo, “Hrvatje so krivi za vse” in tako zagotovi položaj SNS v parlamentu. Pardon Jelinčič po osebni potrebi vključi tudi Rome, Američane, Albance,… a vzorec ostane isti.

    if arbitration would last for ten year and cost a mountain of money, it will be still faster and cheaper then another 20 years of political and economical war against Croatia.

    I guess we agree also that Milošević’s Serbia is a role model for many Slovenian politicians and obviously also for your vision of dealing with problems.

    Borut Peterlin

    21 May, 2010 at 17:07

  4. Ja Borut, na vprasanje pa nisi odgovoril, kajne? Koliko od teh let so bili na oblasti trije omenjeni? In koliko sedanja pozicija?


    21 May, 2010 at 18:46

  5. Evo, da si natocimo cistega vina:

    Peterle – 2 leti
    Drnovsek – 8 + 2 leti
    Bajuk – dobre pol leta
    Rop – 2 leti
    Jansa – 4 leta
    Pahor 2 leti

    Torej od 20 let so bili na oblasti prej omenjeni 4 leta (Jansa). Ce dodamo se 2.5 leti za Bajuka in Peterleta je to 6.5 let.

    Kaj ko bi raje napisali dejanske krivce da se ni nic premaknilo? Drnovsek, Rop in Pahor (ki so vsi vec ali manj iz iste stranke oz. zelo blizu).

    Ce bi slednji imeli zeljo po ureditvi, so imeli prakticno 14 let na voljo.


    21 May, 2010 at 19:06

  6. ja, se strinjam. In ob tej statistiki si predstavljaš kakšna panika Janšo preveva, da bo prav Pahor tisti, ki bo rešil ta mednarodni spor!?! Grem stavit, da bi Janša raje še ene parlamentarne volitve izgubil, kot priznal Pahorju to pomembno dejanje.

    Čeprav, če mene vprašaš, je ta spor tako napihnjen, da se nihče sploh ne upa vprašati kaj bi se zgodilo, da ima Slovenija “zgolj” služnostno pravico uporabe prehoda skozi hrvaške vode. Slovenske podmornice bodo morale pluti do odprtega morja nepotopljene! Ker po mednarodnem pravu je to najslabši možni scenarij + ne bomo mogli črpat nafto in plin iz morskega dna. đizs, to pa je slovenski strateški interes!

    Borut Peterlin

    21 May, 2010 at 19:32

  7. Iztok, ne govori neumnosti. Verjamem, da pogled na šestmestne številke zamegli dejstva, a poskusi ostati priseben.

    Drnovšek je efektivno rešil spor, a se je takrat zataknilo na hrvaški strani.

    Večino tega časa pa je bil zunanji minister današnji uslužbenec, član SDS. IN, last but not least, a je Rop tisti, ki pred vsakimi volitvami pada v jarek ob Jorasovi bajti?


    21 May, 2010 at 19:44

  8. […] Guide to the Arbitrage Agreement Between Slovenia and Croatia – Part 1 and Part 2. Borut Peterlin posts this comment: “The border dispute with Croatia is the most important tool for manipulation with voters […]

  9. […] para o acordo de arbitragem entre a Eslovênia e a Croácia – Parte 1 e Parte 2. Borut Peterlin postou este comentário: “A disputa de fronteira com a Croácia é a ferramenta mais importante para a manipulação […]

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