Photography, Fine Art, Wet Plate Collodion, Alternative photography

Hunting and eating dormouse

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Blaž Ogorevc with dormoused280_7673_borut_peterlin.jpgd280_7632_borut_peterlin.jpgd280_7480_borut_peterlin.jpg

In_this_issue of Mladina weekly there will be a feature story on dormouse hunt AND HERE YOU CAN SEE BROADER SELECTION.

In Slovenia is an old tradition of hunting and eating dormouse. My family had (and we still have) them under the roof of our vineyard house, so when I was a kid I used to hunt them, but I don’t remember how their meat tasted. I remember that my mother didn’t want to cook them and I didn’t know how to cook anyway. My neighbor cook them, but i remembered that when I was cleaning the guts of the dormouse I forgot to take bile or gale (žolč in SLO) and the meat was so bitter!!!

I went on this assignment with two reasons. The first reason was Blaž Ogorevc, who is some sort of Tom Waits of Slovenian journalism and literature. He is really bending the rules of language and literate expression. Definitely worth reading it! Second reason was that dormouse hunt is a very traditional Slovenian thing and I’m keen on recording old traditional habits.

Let me just mention that I’m vegetarian for five of six years (and of course didn’t eat them), but I don’t find vegetarians any better or more compassionate people then meat eaters.

Written by Borut Peterlin

1 November, 2007 at 01:09

4 Responses

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  1. Men ni jasn ker pacient moras biti da polhe lovis in pobijas, kaj sele da jih jes….


    7 November, 2007 at 11:38

  2. Polh, krava, podgana, ovca, pes, človek, opica, riba, …
    Nekdo bi vprašal v čem je razlika? Od opice se gensko razlikujemo le 2,7%, od miši pa cca dvakrat toliko, kar je zanemarljivo. je pa seveda razlika v ritualu kupovanja v trgovini in ubijanju.
    Ampak se strinjam. Sem pacient, približno enkrat mesečno jem ribe. Seveda nisem nič boljši (ali slabši) od sočloveka, ki je skoraj vsak obrok z mesom.



    7 November, 2007 at 12:07

  3. […] Two issues ago we published a feature story on hunting and eating of dormouse. I wrote a post about it. In our editorial we received a fierce feedback from our readers. Federation of Slovenian Societies Against Cruelty to Animals even wrote a proposal to Ministry of Enviorement demanding to ban hunting of dormouse. In the letter they are explicitly mentioning our article. […]

  4. Ja pacientov je v Sloveniji in po svetu 99% glede nato, da po trgovinah šunke pa klobase kupujemo. Bom pa takole reku, ti polhi so imeli 100-krat boljše življenje kot pa kure, prašiči in krave po kmetijah in industrijskih farmah. Poleg tega pa se v teh okrajih, kjer imajo to tradicijo lova na polhe, zaradi posebnih naravnih razmer polhi množijo tako masovno, da je vpliv lova na število polhov zelo majhen.

    Ljudstvo v starih časih se je spoznalo na naravo in njeno delovanje zato niso imeli glede tega nobenih predsodkov, ker so vedeli, da je ta dežela pre-polna povhvcov.


    5 December, 2011 at 16:56

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