Photography, Fine Art, Wet Plate Collodion, Alternative photography

Posts Tagged ‘trip

New 5am pictures from Czech Republic, Poland and Lithuania

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On Wednesday I took a train to Lithuania, to Kaunas Photo festival where I’m exhibiting my Flower Power project. My itinerary was that I should change a train at Warsaw East, but train was one hour late and the connection to Lithuania was at Warsaw Central. I showed even my itinerary to conductor but he just read Warsaw East, so I missed the train for Lithuania. Women at information office didn’t spoke English or German, so I tried to communicate in Russian. I never learned Russian, but I speak Slovenian, Serbian, Czech and I then I mix all together and try to communicate in “Russian” 🙂 It worked several times, but it did not this time. I took a train to BiaÅ‚ystok hoping for a connection further, but without luck. I was stuck in Poland for a day with a huge headache. I took a room at the hotel and rest whole day. I decided that next morning I’ll take beautiful images at 5am and that will turn the whole incident into jackpot for my photography. I’m not superstitious, but this is one of the ways to get trough stressful situations in a decent manner. So above are images from Czech Republic (in train), BiaÅ‚ystok / Poland and Kaunas / Lithuania and you judge if my tactics work 🙂
Link to my project 5am
LINK of the trip.

Written by Borut Peterlin

27 August, 2011 at 09:49